- DOVE Phase 2 coming soon
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- DOVE Phase 2 coming soon

- DOVE Phase 2 coming soon
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- DOVE Phase 2 coming soon

Peer-reviewed articles
Bamford, C. A., Pomper, J. E., Hergarten, S., Preusser, F., Sprafke, T., Gegg L., 2024. New insights into one of the oldest glacial deposits in the northern Alpine foreland (Höchsten, SW Germany), Boreas. https://doi.org/10.1111/bor.12684. ISSN 0300-9483.
Beraus, S., Burschil, T., Buness, H., Köhn, D., Bohlen, T., and Gabriel, G., 2024. A comprehensive crosshole seismic experiment in glacial sediments at the ICDP DOVE site in the Tannwald Basin, Sci. Dril., 33, 237–248, https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-33-237-2024
Buechi, M. W., Landgraf, A., Madritsch, H., Mueller, D., Knipping, M., Nyffenegger, F., Preusser, F., Schaller, S., Schnellmann, M., & Deplazes, G., 2024. Terminal glacial overdeepenings: Patterns of erosion, infilling and new constraints on the glaciation history of Northern Switzerland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 344, 108970
Firla, G., Lüthgens, C., Neuhuber, S., Schmalfuss, C., Kroemer, E., Preusser, F., & Fiebig, M., 2024. Analyzing complex single grain feldspar equivalent dose distributions for luminescence dating of glacially derived sediment. Quaternary Geochronology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quageo.2024.101627
Schuster, B., Gegg, L., Schaller, S., Buechi, M. W., Tanner, D. C., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Anselmetti, F. S., and Preusser, F., 2024. Shaped and filled by the Rhine Glacier: the overdeepened Tannwald Basin in southwestern Germany, Sci. Dril., 33, 191–206, https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-33-191-2024
Gegg, L., Gegg, J., 2023. Poor Man’s Line Scan – a simple tool for the acquisition of high-resolution, undistorted drill core photos. Sci. Dril. 32, 55–59. https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-32-55-2023
Gegg, L., Preusser, F., 2023. Comparison of overdeepened structures in formerly glaciated areas of the northern Alpine foreland and northern central Europe. E&G Quat. Sci. J. 72, 23–36. https://doi.org/10.5194/egqsj-72-23-2023
Schaller, S., Buechi, M.W., Schuster, B., Anselmetti, F.S., 2023. Drilling into a deep buried valley (ICDP DOVE): a 252 m long sediment succession from a glacial overdeepening in northwestern Switzerland. Scientific Drilling 32, 27–42. https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-32-27-2023
Anselmetti, F.S., Bavec, M., Crouzet, C., Fiebig, M., Gabriel, G., Preusser, F., Ravazzi, C., DOVE scientific team, 2022. Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (ICDP-DOVE): quantifying the age, extent, and environmental impact of Alpine glaciations. Sci. Dril. 31, 51–70. https://doi.org/10.5194/sd-31-51-2022
Buness, H., Tanner, D.C., Burschil, T., Gabriel, G., Wielandt-Schuster, U., 2022. Cuspate-lobate folding in glacial sediments revealed by a small-scale 3-D seismic survey. Journal of Applied Geophysics 200, 104614. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2022.104614
Burschil, T., Buness, H., Schmelzbach, C., 2022. Near‐surface three‐dimensional multicomponent source and receiver S‐wave survey in the Tannwald Basin, Germany: Acquisition and data processing. Near Surface Geophysics 20, 331–348. https://doi.org/10.1002/nsg.12214
Burschil, T., Buness, H., 2020. S-wave seismic imaging of near-surface sediments using tailored processing strategies. Journal of Applied Geophysics 173, 103927. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jappgeo.2019.103927
Burschil, T., Buness, H., Tanner, D.C., Wielandt‐Schuster, U., Ellwanger, D., Gabriel, G., 2018. High‐resolution reflection seismics reveal the structure and the evolution of the Quaternary glacial Tannwald Basin. Near Surface Geophysics 16, 593–610. https://doi.org/10.1002/nsg.12011
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Conference abstracts, technical reports and others
Beraus, S., Buness, H., Bayerle, J., Bergmann Barrocas, J., Wedig, S., Ripke, K., Gabriel, G., 2024. Crosshole seismic data at ICDP site 5068_1. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/ICDP.5068.002
Beraus, S., Köhn, D., Bohlen, T., Buness, H., Burschil, T., & Gabriel, G., 2024. High-resolution shear wave crosshole full-waveform inversion. Third EAGE Conference on Seismic Inversion
Firla, G., Lüthgens, C., Preusser, F., & Fiebig, M., 2024. The timing of the infilling of glacially overdeepened structures from the northern Alpine foreland in the context of tunnel valleys from the Fennoscandian Ice Shield. Pangeo / DEUQUA 2024
Gegg, L., Buechi, M. W., Hofmann, F. M., Pomper, J. E., Schaller, S., Schmalfuss, C., Schuster, B., Uni Freiburg Geotechnics Team, & Preusser, F., 2024. A geotechnical view on glacial sediment profiles. Pangeo / DEUQUA 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.23316.31368
Pomper, J. E., Bamford, C. A., Preusser, F., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Gegg, L., 2024. Early-stage Quaternary overdeepening in Upper Swabia (EQuOS). EGU General Assembly 2024. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16566
Pomper, J. E., Preusser, F., Schuster, B., & Gegg, L., 2024. Overdeepening-fill profiles in southwestern Germany. Pangeo / DEUQUA 2024. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.14580.36487
Beraus, S., T. Burschil, H. Buness, D. Köhn, T. Bohlen, G. Gabriel, and DOVE scientific team, 2023a. Are sediments of the glacially overdeepened Tannwald Basin seismically anisotropic?
Beraus, S., Köhn, D., Burschil, T., Buness, H., Bohlen, T., Gabriel, G., 2023b. Towards the application of 2D elastic FWI to multi-component high-frequency crosshole data acquired in the Quaternary Tannwald Basin.
Beraus, S., Burschil, T., Buness, H., Köhn, D., Bohlen, T., Gabriel, G., 2023c. Can We Detect Seismic Anisotropy in Glacial Sediments Using Crosshole Seismics? 29th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
DOVE-Phase 1 Scientific Team, Anselmetti, F.S., Beraus, S., Buechi, M.W., Buness, H., Burschil, T., Fiebig, M., Firla, G., Gabriel, G., Gegg, L., Grelle, T., Heeschen, K., Kroemer, E., Lehne, C., Lüthgens, C., Neuhuber, S., Preusser, F., Schaller, S., Schmalfuss, C., Schuster, B., Tanner, D.C., Thomas, C., Tomonaga, Y., Wieland-Schuster, U., Wonik, T., 2023. Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE) – Operational Report of Phase 1. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. https://doi.org/10.48440/ICDP.5068.001
DOVE-Phase 1 Scientific Team, Anselmetti, F.S., Beraus, S., Buechi, M.W., Buness, H., Burschil, T., Fiebig, M., Firla, G., Gabriel, G., Gegg, L., Grelle, T., Heeschen, K., Kroemer, E., Lehne, C., Lüthgens, C., Neuhuber, S., Preusser, F., Schaller, S., Schmalfuss, C., Schuster, B., Tanner, D.C., Thomas, C., Tomonaga, Y., Wieland-Schuster, U., Wonik, T., 2023. Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE) - Operational Dataset of DOVE Phase 1. GFZ Data Services. https://doi.org/10.5880/ICDP.5068.001
DOVE-Phase 1 Scientific Team, Anselmetti, F.S., Beraus, S., Buechi, M.W., Buness, H., Burschil, T., Fiebig, M., Firla, G., Gabriel, G., Gegg, L., Grelle, T., Heeschen, K., Kroemer, E., Lehne, C., Lüthgens, C., Neuhuber, S., Preusser, F., Schaller, S., Schmalfuss, C., Schuster, B., Tanner, D.C., Thomas, C., Tomonaga, Y., Wieland-Schuster, U., Wonik, T., 2023. Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys (DOVE) - Explanatory remarks on the operational dataset. GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. https://doi.org/10.48440/ICDP.5068.002
Gegg, L., Griebling, F., Jacob, L., Jentz, N., Schwahn, F., Stark, L., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Preusser, F., 2023. A first look into new Pleistocene sedimentary records from the Upper Rhine Graben. XXI INQUA Congress.
Pomper, J. E., Gegg, L., Preusser, F., 2023. Early stage Quaternary overdeepening in Upper Swabia (EQuOS). IODP/ICDP Colloquium.
Schuster, B., Schaller, S., Buechi, M.W., Gegg, L., Tanner, D.C., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Beraus, S., Firla, G., Schmalfuss, C., Preusser, F., Anselmetti, F.S., Gabriel, G., Fiebig, M., DOVE Science Team, 2023. Drilling Overdeepened Alpine Valleys: Towards a comprehensive sedimentary record of the Tannwald Basin (ICDP site 5068_1). XXI INQUA Congress.
Beraus, S., Buness, H., Burschil, T., Köhn, D., Tanner, D.C., Gabriel, G., 2022. Seismic crosshole investigations at the Tannwald drillsite (ICDP DOVE project). IODP/ICDP Colloquium.
Firla, G., Lüthgens, C., Schmalfuss, C., Neuhuber, S., & Fiebig, M., 2022. Drilling overdeepened Alpine valleys (ICDP-DOVE) - Revisiting the geochronology of a drill-core in the glacially overdeepened
basin underneath Neusillerdorf, near Freilassing Bavaria using single grain feldspar luminescence dating. DEUQUA 2022
Gegg, L., Griebling, F., Jacob, L., Jentz, N., Schwahn, F., Stark, L., Wielandt-Schuster, U., Preusser, F., 2022. Einblicke in die Vergangenheit: neue pleistozäne Profile aus dem Oberrheingraben. DEUQUA.
Gegg, L., Schuster, B., Preusser, F., 2022. Towards a comprehensive view of the Pleistocene glaciations of the Alpine foreland. Quaternaire 13.
Buness, H., & Burschil, T., 2021. Reprocessing of reflection seismic data to highlight near-surface glacio-tectonic deformations. NSG2021 27th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering
Buness, H., Burschil, T., & Tanner, D., 2020. Imaging glacial sediments and tectonics with a small-scale 3-D reflection seismic survey. 26th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics
Burschil, T., Buness, H., & Schmelzbach, C., 2020. 3-D multi-component S-wave survey in the Tannwald Basin: Data processing and component rotation. 26th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Burschil, T., Buness, H., Tanner, D., & Gabriel, G., 2019. Seismic imaging of glacial overdeepened valleys using P- and S-waves. SAGEEP 2019
Burschil, T., & Buness, H., 2018. S-wave imaging of glacial overdeepened Alpine valleys – Single-component. 24th European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
Burschil, T., Buness, H., Tanner, D., & Gabriel, G., & Krawcyzk, C. M., 2017. Seismic facies characterization of the overdeepened glacial Tannwald Basin. 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics.
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